Thank you谢谢
: P2 |( B4 K3 f1 y$ u) FI've been told that it would be emotional,it would be great,but i never thought it would be as much as this.
% I3 `# w4 f5 N i s有人告诉我,这将是富有情感的,这将是伟大的,但我从来没有想过它会像这样精彩。 . D" n6 K, w& O4 U
Juve's history is a fantastis,glorious tale over 114 years.
, z% i2 w# l3 Q尤文的历史上是一个超过114年的梦幻、光辉的故事。
- B; ^2 J3 G7 Z {A marvellous story that's been told many times,that we'll tell,that you already know., P4 d! u) d+ [5 @5 j
我们将要讲述的是,一个被告知过很多次的奇妙的故事,你已经知道。 # D/ S0 C1 E" w0 @4 u
I'm happy to have contributed to it over 18 years,to write parts of this history,to write fantastic,memorable pages which I'll keep in my heart forever.
8 V1 S; p1 a" d# o; W% k我很高兴作出了超过18年的贡献,书写这段历史的一个部分,书写奇妙的,令人难忘的一页,我将永远在我的珍藏在我心中。
* A0 J. @# C* d/ \2 r( f) w8 t" VI've seen many of my team-mates,many of my predecessors and I've experienced many tremendous years with them.; a7 u! j. g& N- u9 i* ~& f/ ?
) p1 y6 F- x) _+ \$ G( f) u( { xFrom when I won the first trophies,wearing this shirt at the old Comunale,to playing on this very pitch and where we won everthing,where we conquered the world.% ~8 J& _) o, G2 n" S
从我穿着这件球衣,在这个球场上赢得了第一个奖杯的时候,在这里,我们赢得了一切,我们征服了世界。 8 k) u% D+ \; m! Q" Z
A story that continued at the Stadio Olimpico and with what happend there, with the hard times. But for every fall. there's a need to get back up again,hold your head high with courage and show even more desire than before.' g2 @8 J! H/ B. T& l
一个在奥林匹克体育场继续的故事,在那里发生的时艰的时光。但每到秋季,我们有必要再次取回,勇敢的抬起你的头,显示比以前更渴望。 / e- t7 P; s0 l6 f+ {- Z
And I did it , as you did it as well.
0 M4 O- l6 G- J% n# a6 w6 T我做到了,正如你们做的那样。
% e# `3 R8 u# ~9 O: |7 q) c9 YToday, we're here...! T4 S) N4 t- {: a
* G" }1 `* y& a: [' i- Y8 r$ o6 m, kThank you!
% E' d6 A& i* U' X6 B5 D谢谢。
8 ]$ E" [! j/ y- q! t9 q; SThis story has been a wonderful picture,which today will see another chapter written,memorable and important,a picture that's always had the perfect frame,you've been the perfect frame,those of you who represent all the millions of Juventus fans all over the world.0 q* u) _2 b# x3 q
! ]8 `5 Y( [( c3 ]4 dAnd you've always been by our side,you've always been by my side,always singing my name every Sunday. It's been a magnificent story which made me sign for the club without conditions,as I did 18 years ago.And just like 18 years ago,today I've got the history of the black and white shirt in front of me.
4 ~4 i: G' A" e0 V+ q: A你一直在我前方,你一直在我身边,永远歌唱着我的名字,在每个周日。这是一个宏伟的故事,这让我无条件签署合同的俱乐部,我这样做了18年。就像18年前,今天我领略了在我前面的黑色和白色衬衫的历史。
$ c) H$ a- x) R4 H" @- E. @/ E6 uPresident Giampiero Boniperti...下面有请博尼佩尔蒂... 5 l; G- `; R" t! r o! p, ^9 Q. g
' T4 K- x4 d. Y; S9 o9 K
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9 S5 m' I! m5 k4 G& W# S
. X3 D w6 b7 v+ O: K2 ]8 s7 v, u0 Q; Y$ R$ k- A2 e
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