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发表于 2013-10-22 18:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
杰米-雷德克纳普目睹了阿奎罗在和西汉姆联比赛中的大师级表现,随后他就表示,阿奎罗这个赛季应该能打进20个球。, V& s- ]9 K2 o4 Z. ]
5 I5 N9 e3 b4 T" ^/ }0 U
阿根廷射手阿奎罗在球队客战厄普顿公园球场3-1获胜的比赛中,打进了2粒进球,并且助攻席尔瓦,最后被评为全场最佳。在比赛里,他在大多数时间里都主队的后卫们疲于奔命。. [4 @: |9 c2 p# g! t

, v. s) k+ y0 C0 W6 W+ a' e. Q) D4 S. u3 I7 G% l
5 s% M1 c- M/ D5 h
8 y7 L9 c" x9 k6 }! D“整场比赛,詹姆斯-汤姆金斯和温斯顿-里德都没能限制住阿奎罗的速度和移动,他在这方面非常出色,”雷德克纳普说。
; |' J( s4 p( B
# z' t% E* J/ D+ q5 |1 O
# L8 [6 L) u, C( {- d  Q7 k我想,他们两个(指阿奎罗和内格雷多)可以已经让佩莱格里尼知道,“我们是最好的搭档”,在英超这个没悬念啊。
. ~$ @: S9 f, T7 }% j+ P9 i! }  m; a& r% z
' y$ \/ }9 [) ~

: m9 {' t. y! ?
( t4 O. y- f8 S& h# F2 a; |“今年,阿奎罗已经进了6个球。他应该能够再次贡献至少20个球。他是个有能力做到这些的优秀球员,同时还有大卫-席尔瓦这样的球员给他输送炮弹。”小雷
. I7 A$ u% q  C* G$ T7 j3 [! H. ?0 b$ M
“我认为,其实这个赛季也有过几次佩莱格里尼只能把他们两个其中的一个放在锋线上的情况。因为他必须得在中场酌情增加人数,就像他们在冠军联赛面对拜仁慕尼黑的时候那样。而你也看到了,费尔南迪尼奥和亚亚-图雷在和拜仁的比赛中出现的问题。  b/ G- V! A$ F* ?7 ]

- L5 h3 k2 ]) c( n3 J
. f( v: m" b# d+ N: _  r( ?“不过,当曼城回到英超联赛的时候,当你的球队阵容比别的球队好的时候,你就得要准备放大招了,而他们今天的表现也说明了这个问题。: ^. G8 k: K  [/ |( j! P0 [3 K

$ b! \  I1 K+ v! ~“我认为阿奎罗应该做得更好,贡献更多。在他来到英超的第一个赛季里,他贡献了23个联赛进球,这是非常精彩的表现。他是个完全不同级别的球员——有的时候完全无解——而这也是曼城能在那个赛季最终赢得英超冠军的原因之一。
9 K+ v2 w% G$ J4 w- @- h
: L# u; e; C  R4 [# a
1 {0 A. G8 C- o7 J+ b* X“上赛季,阿奎罗在英超联赛中打进了12球,对于他这样能力的球员来说绝对不够好。他既能头球又能凌空打门,还能左右开弓。他无球跑让不是地球级别的。/ U1 `  @% U. _: c# O% K: h4 Q# J

/ {' V( P4 W; p- z  `“今年,阿奎罗已经进了6个球。他应该能够再次贡献至少20个球。他是个有能力做到这些的优秀球员,同时还有大卫-席尔瓦这样的球员给他输送炮弹。”5 O: X' ^- @5 b$ s  U+ [) Y: i4 c
: m, N2 G! s  P( Y' e: g2 `

( I5 }) ?0 s1 _$ X" a
$ E/ h7 N' K$ e3 L8 l! D- ^6 t8 p5 C
焦虑( d% \. l3 s5 u- l2 W
7 |& ^5 g* d4 f# Q

0 X, H) F$ `5 z4 z) k+ e而小雷认为,铁锤帮帮主萨姆-阿勒代斯一定会为他们对2012年英超冠军时候防守端的表现感到沮丧。
/ ^* y& E& u; H4 |
: ^. v! \; [0 t/ Y0 O+ N$ f0 r/ \
6 }. T, F6 R5 ]$ N2 V$ r5 o& U% W" I
5 B9 e) L5 d0 u
6 ?6 `: T( r0 Y
% ?9 T1 O+ l: U1 j9 R9 k4 h- o; q) m$ c. ~
" D) f, B( F" O* D  b: k* c5 o8 ~
! N- ]6 ^% _+ _& z$ f* g
. [) J) ^) ?0 L4 B3 J1 Z1 q  s5 E“我觉得,今天他们的传球很不错。从阿勒代斯的角度看,他的球队的第一个丢球时对对方压迫的力度不够强。他会为此感到失望的。
* C) n* u* f6 `0 P$ m, L
! y5 w. e4 r9 V& E
0 b9 _. g2 p5 N1 _$ n“而第二个进球是头球,还是场上最小个子的球员打进的,所以如果你是阿勒代斯你也会感到不满意的。”
! N( a& @' n: @( q  V8 O# y9 _6 z( `3 `) @; D$ W9 Y" K
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-22 18:19 | 只看该作者
The Argentinian scored one and made the other in Manchester City's 3-1 triumph at Upton Park, earning the Man of the Match award in the process, and running the home defenders ragged for much of the game.2 ~$ [7 [& @0 P% _8 f( {3 j& p" n

" F) p# Z: Z4 {- r" L0 kSky Sports pundit Redknapp was disappointed with Aguero's goal return last season, but expects him to be at the forefront of Manuel Pellegrini's title charge this term after forming a formidable strike partnership with new signing Alvaro Negredo.
0 V9 N' a0 t9 K& W. z  I6 H
# d1 T( J% t1 E' h) E$ Z/ ]+ e"All game, James Tomkins and Winston Reid couldn't deal with Aguero's pace and movement, which was brilliant," he said." }) @% v3 N2 S- C
. u3 V1 P+ Y+ o/ w: [# k
"I think those two might have just said to Pellegrini 'we are your best partnership', certainly in the Premier League
, F4 t9 f5 {" b8 A) P( J: J" Q0 t$ }' X2 q

& p- N( ^0 p0 W5 b "He's got six now this year. He should be getting to 20 again. He's that good a player and he's also got the ammunition of Silva and players like that."4 J- ~1 c8 u7 {0 O

' |; N5 c- u# M2 g6 TJamie Redknapp1 ^9 s4 Z2 C& Z% n* I( j
- l$ L: P# X& K& F
"I think there will be times when Pellegrini, as was proved against Bayern Munich, can only play one of them up front because you have to play an extra one in midfield. You saw the problems that Fernandino and Yaya Toure had against Bayern Munich in the Champions League.; d$ F" ~, x1 E

; H9 Q& u- A) k# C2 T/ {9 Q4 E: X"But in the Premier League when you've got better players than the other team then you've got to get the big guns out and they performed today.
( t6 ?- v2 f' T) o( K  i. k* j4 w8 \* X, R, `3 a5 D! ]) _5 b
"I think Aguero should do more. In his debut season he got 23 Premier League goals, which is incredible. He was a different class - unplayable at times - and that's one of the reasons why Man City won the Premier League.
7 W6 u1 k- N4 h& C* P& c9 v( h' e0 K& Q) h6 l0 E4 ?! `
"Last year he scored 12 Premier League goals and that isn't good enough from a player that has that much ability. He can score headers, volleys, left foot or right foot. His movement is exceptional.4 p( }1 I3 O2 L/ }

2 [& B5 J% I+ [" b! T"He's got six now this year. He should be getting to 20 again. He's that good a player and he's also got the ammunition of Silva and players like that."
9 `1 @" G5 q0 k9 Z5 z$ O! }% O8 C4 _6 C
Anxious3 v8 @$ }+ \6 Q" Z+ x
Aguero's brace had put City in control against West Ham before Ricardo Vaz Te pulled one back for the hosts and David Silva's strike eventually put the game beyond their reach.5 O) U+ V# T) j/ J

) T1 _6 B  B9 [And Redknapp says Hammers boss Sam Allardyce will be frustrated by his team's defending against the 2012 champions.
/ B. [8 a. J7 I* v! ?7 F5 A1 b  W2 V' a4 P+ }* u% k0 ^
"Man City had to suffer. You could see they were anxious at times, especially when it went back to 2-1," he added.
$ E3 I" a, {" e, h+ R2 P' I6 Z. r4 x& o, R( e6 |4 e2 P- |$ \
"You could see there was a bit of a panic and the next goal, whichever way it went, would be the difference and thankfully for City fans they got it and Joe Hart made a couple of really good saves for them.9 w/ H3 f7 j) Y) C( o
) O+ l4 j# I' R+ W* D" I
"I'd like to say the first goal made the difference, but that hasn't been the case in previous games. They have gone ahead and not been able to hold onto leads." I% f3 ^0 f& L

6 q; d. w# S- @7 a5 e! M"I thought today their passing was good. From Sam Allardyce's point of view there was not enough pressure on the ball for the first goal and he'll be disappointed.
: p) g$ e9 i; }; V: S" o$ m
5 A/ k  S5 _2 i"The second goal was a header from the smallest player on the pitch, so you'd be so disappointed if you're Sam Allardyce."
6 N7 N; I" S6 M. l2 i9 v& E6 C
5 C8 b  }) M) t1 K& q0 s2 R; w% g5 n, R. _6 g+ o2 {7 G$ B
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