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发表于 2012-5-10 22:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
# }8 M( i  g: y, T: k8 Q
; Y& j+ W7 S1 {4 z  {( c0 ^% z/ p0 k5 i  F. g
6 ]  m0 F! d7 Y: C$ u======================================================================================
; ^2 F* Y% S2 }2 E4 D  V' \# O! ["This is my last season with Milan."
$ A7 _9 H+ B! ~% k9 B9 }这是我在米兰的最后一个赛季.
. I' Y& n" F5 u5 d/ }% H1 H8 {
3 @5 h  N+ i+ e* l  ?% a1 P"If I don't feel important, then I prefer staying at home."
& W  }' _+ m+ Z# b$ z如果我觉得我在球队没那么重要的时候,我会选择留在家里
6 F/ H5 _) f9 w2 [) N4 U
; q8 S9 g5 v. i# p; @* M"I decided that I was leaving around February, I talked with Milan and they agreed."
. g, Q- L( l$ @: c2月我做出离开的决定,和米兰高层谈过,并获得他们的同意- A' H; Z% C+ A1 m. j
3 T' Q0 h$ d* H# o9 K/ k
"I've not yet signed any contract, but I've offers"
+ q% G3 ~: s" N% g' ?* }3 i我还没有签订任何合同,但有人提供给我了。
' G5 q6 i* Z  U: v
: j8 F8 [$ @) k. C# k- V"I still fell well, but I cant continue. I thank Galliani for everything"
2 y5 I' O# G) R我感觉很好,但是我不会继续留在米兰了,我很感谢加利亚尼对我所做的一切2 D/ ~$ J. H+ ^. i) \
! i" R" D$ Y2 B+ H" a
The great moments where at Milanello, when we ate together, the chefs, the cameraman, I'll miss them"
4 n8 N: o+ [' Y/ o" a在米兰内洛,最快乐的时刻是大家一起吃饭,摄影师、厨师,我想念他们。! \* F6 ?' {% P8 e
2 u* j0 A  C# s8 x( ?/ {
"We are a bit dissapointed because we wanted to win the Scudetto, we wanted to leave with a tittle" * j/ t" ~9 N# w5 C2 |* q; g; ]( E7 A
我们的确有一些失望,我们想赢得联赛冠军,想要留下一个头衔。' U: _& G4 o3 I. b7 P$ h  x' d) t/ Q

7 b! m+ ?+ v& ]) Y"I've the US into my considerations and offers"
7 {- ~0 s/ c9 J我收到来自美国的合同,并开始考虑此事 + A1 V- s  ~3 b6 n
6 V' n/ k( `; _& u
"It's over. This has been my last season with Milan.". _1 P8 }  l1 }8 C1 k7 \' D
5 w/ C+ D4 s% B% t+ e
+ X% f, k( `$ {) V"I've won a lot and out of respect for the club and myself, I will now go and have a new experience." ( S* m/ A5 ^! v6 ]- o2 u& H6 C. o
' \. i0 G- f. H% i& T- o, i- f+ Y
$ Z. ~8 y! e+ Q6 ~6 ?; q* ]"I think I became Nesta because I try to be a porfessional player and train with dedication everyday"
; r! m% Z/ j7 ^) ?; }. y, \/ M我认为我之所以是内斯塔,是因为我努力成为一名专业的球员,每天付出努力。
: J. u" t+ e) D4 c: H& v8 e, U; [$ @
"I still talk a lot with Ancelotti, but he's not trying to convince me to join PSG anyways" $ y5 l/ v9 O$ y9 Q
( y8 b& p: H9 A" O) ^: ]5 f0 U9 {
"My heir at Milan? It's already here, he's Thiago Silva" , T8 g# v- Y# r  t9 J2 p! L$ }
7 n2 O* N; w" o2 M
5 E2 n% p3 R  L5 k"Ancelotti was the most important coach in my career, because of the wins and his passion. Like if he was another player"
1 C7 |7 {3 W# |! y3 ?安切洛蒂是我职业生涯最重要的教练,因为胜利和他的激情,就好像他就是一名球员。# g4 L3 r2 k2 n% W7 S

. e! F9 t) n( [( d: F; O9 w. I7 g6 T"My 1st CL at Milan vs Juve was the most special one"
8 h( [& l6 }+ V) M! a在米兰的第一场欧冠是与尤文对决,对我来说很特别
* D  O: H7 X! H# `* u& J  n3 g8 G4 b6 _5 N+ d
"I don't know what will Milan do, but for Milan to make another golden era they'll have to find the right people" : \- z1 j+ s2 R  K8 C, Y/ W
& ]. M+ _. V5 v0 `. C" A* U, i( `4 s% p. l5 R
"If Thiago will stay 10 years at Milan like me? I dont know"
! w. X! J+ M: `$ l+ w蒂亚戈会像我一样在米兰度过10年吗?我不知道
9 d' O# d  s: a, e& o4 W: \+ K1 z' T% G1 o' G5 k/ y
"I don't know what the future will bring to Milan, many players will be leaving the club this year" ) U- y/ L6 Y! r& W; m
. [, Q# H6 ^- u3 `5 y8 |; E8 L/ Z" j. e4 }9 q: ^8 G
"Milan tried to convince me of staying one more year, but I had already taken my decision"
4 j8 }0 {1 q+ {( j& `  n  [米兰试图说服我再呆1年,但是我已经做出了决定。
  H( D: }% a! D& M* f7 d; o3 m8 F* M& u0 l. {% R
"I don't know what the future will bring to Milan, many players will be leaving the club this year" 2 D% a; C" |9 R) u
内斯塔:“我不知道米兰会引进什么球员,但这个夏天很多球员都将离开俱乐部”- e' \8 V. h" M% p7 Q1 T

# g7 q( b% s5 I9 u% {"Milan must create a group of serious professionals and winners in order to start winning again."* F% l# u* d, X/ C
米兰想要变得更有竞争力重返胜利,必须要引入新的高质量球员并且同优秀的球员续约; c( o$ Q% p9 T( v; J
& D! z5 t5 b* S
"The best Nesta? "I don't know when that was. My career has been punctuated by injuries. But at 21 I was stronger and felt better" " |5 R5 ]: D: W; |8 B$ e
内斯塔:我的巅峰期? 确切的说我也不知道什么时候,我的职业生涯一直受到伤病的困扰,但在我21岁的时候,我觉得我发挥的很棒。/ R; F# u. M! B5 i  G& \' l. h

/ n+ `8 V/ T" t2 I; b"Ronaldo was the most difficult striker I had to mark. It was impossible to stop him"
! M: @; ~/ k; P, R罗纳尔多是最难防的前锋,阻止他简直不可能。9 }3 }! |- E' _2 d( Q+ R

) ^/ P$ n$ q, h" `! E"The strongest defence during my time at Milan was the 2004-2005 defence with Stam, Maldini and Kaladze."
  Q+ Q$ e6 Q* e/ a) u* s内斯塔:“我在米兰的时候,最强的后卫线是2004-2005年斯塔姆,马尔蒂尼和卡拉泽的防守。”2 \' @) Y7 i9 x2 t8 q

* S* w- N" h  l3 I- R, L"I take with me the affection of all the people who work at Milanello. I'm displeased to leave, but they'll always be my friends." % H8 y7 G2 o/ \4 D! e
0 M7 Y, O2 i1 B
; F: |4 S0 z, P9 S' [$ F) j5 h"After this 10 great year, I'll leave, but this were 10 great years. I arrived here as a Roman, but I felt better here than at home 6 y- P% ], j1 Z; x% ^0 X0 o9 F
7 L4 [/ x, u, ^/ h
; F: }, J' \2 q# e! ~- e( X- |9 F"I did not say that Messi was 'too fast for me'
/ x( z( k! ?! b# q7 y我从没说过梅西对我来说速度太快了!
# n- W& `1 @" y; `  {$ n4 H
' d6 i$ `4 `0 I4 V& i& |' q3 T& GNesta: "I will always root for Lazio and Milan."
! e3 k3 R9 \$ M, t( c5 {! M米兰已经和拉齐奥一样重要
( @5 w; L2 x1 n9 ~+ P6 @+ q, U
  ~/ ?7 Q0 j! V& f- K& w- ["It wasn't a long conversation when I called Galliani to explain my decision. It only took 5 minutes."5 v6 @3 f9 x; [4 \# T) W- x# r
这不是一次长谈,我给加利亚尼打电话解释我的想法只花了五分钟。1 e$ I0 B4 T* Q7 N
& w% v. V& n( a8 T+ U" L
They tried to convince you? "No, they understood. The club asked me to stay another year, I thanked Galliani, it has to go this way"
' W6 v% ?0 M/ U内斯塔:俱乐部又没有挽留我?没有,他们理解我想法,他们是想让我再多呆一年。我很感谢加利亚尼能理解我。
9 a$ Q. k8 B% D: {) K  S& s
2 K: P; w/ I+ J/ p"I hope that Thiago Silva will become better than me and achieve more with Milan than I did."1 }6 Y) t+ p# X0 l- ^, k3 f
: U  K. U% j# j4 K9 F" v( y/ A
4 D4 [& p6 F4 L% y6 J8 I- x3 J"It's sad to say goodbye, but we'll always remain as friends" : U4 o# c, ?4 p/ x* H* N
) S0 B+ ~! E# W9 j3 Q- L1 p# y  x. @1 N6 j& J+ \1 H
"I take with me a great memory of these 10 years and therefore I want to thank everyone from the board, the players and the fans." 9 w- a0 D* [7 m8 ~; C  e+ p
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