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发表于 2012-5-17 21:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

- k7 ^1 Y* s0 M* ^9 f! D3 A0 R1 {7 Y/ b2 x+ I- M- J/ ?$ k

  J# e3 y" b9 i0 W  m Philipp Lahm can understand what John Terry will be going through in the Allianz Arena on Saturday but feels little sympathy for his opposite number.! @$ T3 P% i- z$ U3 @3 P! ?
菲利普拉姆表示能理解特里不能参加决赛是多么的痛苦,他还认为特里不值得同情。! Z5 \+ |, [$ g, ?& d' G; Q

& v" i$ t1 _0 A- R6 R# x$ e- d7 U9 k; O
FAs skipper of his home team Bayern Munich, the longing to wrap his hands round the Champions League trophy burns so fiercely he can imagine Terry’s pain. But he has bluntly told Chelsea’s captain he has only himself to blame for missing the final in Munich.( o8 U: L" d4 g0 E
" r+ Y, ^  p/ p4 j; H$ G- x1 @
: a9 ~* B/ I) F' Q* T
7 E6 v/ k" @4 E! s# V1 nTerry struggled to explain why he kneed Barcelona’s Alexis Sanchez in the back to earn a red card at the Nou Camp, Lahm found it even harder to comprehend.+ P+ S+ E& h4 W0 l0 U4 }8 U
拉姆认为,特里为诺坎普那张红牌所作的辩解(特里表示,桑切斯不断故意撞他受伤的肋骨)是多么不令人信服。2 K: L, r6 X( B
8 p5 F; t  m, }6 y: O

1 `( R5 M3 y2 X" K2 V5 _6 oThe thought of damaging his team’s prospects by leaving them one short with such a reckless act left the Germany full back shaking his head, as he said: ‘I couldn’t believe it. I was so surprised, not by the red card but what he did to earn it. ! Z# [1 }8 A1 h/ b1 c# s- t
德国人对蓝军队长差点因一时冲动葬送全队的表现不解,“我几乎不相信这个,我对他拿到红牌方式表示震惊。”* H. X- \+ U( X- W! I3 f4 x+ E6 b! r

$ k& K, _; C3 G# `
. s3 o+ [5 C0 V) Y5 F3 f4 ?Would I describe it as irresponsible? Let’s just say I would never have done something like that. It simply wouldn’t have happened to me. Why? Because as captain, I do everything for my team. That would have harmed them and I would not allow that to happen.2 C1 Y" r. F% F9 A4 v! s1 W5 A
! G# f4 [! k& _2 o) U
* \: \; a' n2 B+ X0 \
" `4 a' u* M8 [& N& T) K  RBut that’s down to him. Our only focus is on winning and we are not too interested in who might be playing for Chelsea or who might not be.+ J0 L  {9 r& p5 x# o: M

  l% R1 V- ~2 l8 i+ P5 Y" K
9 a  j; G; |$ O0 l6 Y4 eI wouldn’t say it is an advantage for us that Chelsea will be without their captain. I think the players who are missing from both sides will even themselves out. We are missing players who have been key to us reaching the final, like Holger Badstuber, Luiz Gustavo and David Alaba, so we have suffered as well.9 |# A7 ?# w% [3 Z8 d9 c. q
, I3 s0 Z- P* j, q/ i3 ~; K& q  ^4 V  ^# {7 b

$ i5 A+ g3 ^; {; S. l4 @For Lahm it is unthinkable that Bayern would lose the final on home turf.Lose it in my house? That would be awful for all of us, but me in particular,’ he said. I’m from Munich. I was born here in this town. As well as a Bayern player, I am a supporter and I know what it means to everyone connected with the club.
6 b0 d& i9 n8 R+ W4 X, R7 N. L0 f) V- j; t1 ~0 e* W

. t+ `% }# I0 @& e0 d' J( B+ HI would have to think about locking myself away if it wasn’t for the fact that the national squad fly out to the European Championship straight after the final. Thank goodness for that. But I’m confident I wouldn’t have that problem, anyway. We are only thinking about winning.’: N6 P2 g. [0 I7 k$ U: x
拉姆还说,拜仁输掉决赛是难以想象的。“输了?那我们就太痛苦了,尤其是我,我是土生土长的慕尼黑人,我从小就是是拜仁球迷,如果比赛结束后拜仁队旗没有飘扬的话,我会与世隔绝。但是,我不会遇到这事,我们只想赢了的事。3 ]. x2 T' ^4 z4 l
8 _& o, l( x0 ~% F
& o3 t1 B& @$ g6 R* P' f7 Q3 L
He added: ‘What happened two years ago, when we lost the final to Inter Milan, has had a big influence on the way we have prepared. A lot of players are still here and we all remember what we went through. A team grows through defeats and setbacks. We didn’t have the same belief then. Now we have a strong belief that this can be our year, our trophy.’
+ F0 L/ D+ M1 l' n! ?7 Z 拉姆补充“两年前输给国米,我们吸取了教训并做出了准备,大多数人经历了那场比赛,一个球队会在挫折中成长,那时我们并不知道这些。现在我们确信,今年会是拜仁年。”
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