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累计签到:1137 天
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发表于 2014-4-18 18:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
" k+ F$ Y# o# E1 X# B4 X. d
' ^( q+ E; b/ B, d# x! v第二个孔帕尼9 l* E3 Q. [! l+ O' W
# ]* ?% P2 Q9 O8 C9 y
没能在去年夏天签下一位世界级水准的中后卫从赛季初就成为了曼城的顽疾,虽然在转会市场投入了1亿英镑引援,但试图签下佩佩失败后,曼城只花费了400万英镑引进德米凯利斯作为替代品。也许对这位阿根廷中卫的某些批评不是一直都那么公正,但他着实是球队薄弱的一环,尽管佩莱格里尼对此视而不见。曼城正准备用3500万英镑引进波尔图后卫曼加拉来解决这个问题。) V" @7 y4 }+ d6 @

) A3 A" X) x7 l( g; W2 Q漂亮足球
, ^0 ?/ h2 E: `( f( ^" s8 r
4 T2 b  r& Q- x: a: T. w佩莱格里尼坚称他不会束缚球队的进攻才华,但如果他想在下赛季带领曼城更进一步,那么他必须重新思考一下。本赛季曼城的进攻娱乐性毋庸置疑,他们曾6球大挫阿森纳,7球力克诺维奇,在对热刺的两回合比赛中打进了11球,在曼彻斯特德比中双杀了死敌曼联。
# x3 T7 \1 n3 l5 v$ N9 |" v! m/ O5 P4 o2 `6 M
8 t8 L$ a$ m0 N) m/ g3 O4 x% ]% t8 i% o" W# Y& L+ j
. O, f; v+ W" ~6 c( P" x# d
0 C8 \& s& f) o% ?6 W没人会说去年夏天3000万引进的费尔南迪尼奥不是一笔好买卖。这位巴西中场已经成为曼城的关键人物,他加强了中场,给予了亚亚-图雷更多自由发挥的空间。但是曼城需要再找一位防守型中场,不管是做这两位球星的替补,或者是让亚亚-图雷可以前提到更能发挥破坏力的位置。哈维-加西亚取得了一些进步,但是罗德维尔自从加盟曼城后就始终未能融入球队,这2名球员都可能在夏季转会。7 C2 a5 z, D$ G1 d
9 J2 R" ~3 G1 [& [  `* F  }( p
8 O) B9 s. I! g" E! B" i' \" u6 Y, z* H# i3 Z# m: ?" B6 F% Z
" K* s" _6 W) ^/ k$ w: y  @6 b
; ]- |! g- w. `想要知道曼城的进球数自从1月份末后下滑有多么严重吗?你只需看看,经历了3次伤病的阿圭罗在上轮对桑德兰的比赛中复出时,他依然是曼城的头号射手。让阿圭罗在未来远离伤病肯定对曼城大有裨益,但是他们也许需要寻找
/ R2 b9 I0 x; @" R) \! J& Y8 J- {1 O一位真正的世界级射手帮助他。: w& d& t' K5 R0 c8 R# R/ w% y

, P4 O& @* `, o! U. k: p经过了凶猛的开局后,“野兽”内格雷多看起来已经失去了他的獠牙,哲科继续引发着人们的争议,虽然近期在谈论新合同,但仍然有可能在夏天被出售,不断的伤病则影响着从佛罗伦萨转会而来的约维蒂奇。卡瓦尼、法尔考、迭戈-科斯塔这些前锋都会出现在夏季转会市场,但是面临着财政公平政策考验的曼城是否会出现在求购者行列呢?值得玩味。
; u( y2 [- z2 _3 b, f" }9 o. f5 O2 M! X! D
: \6 r. d5 R( q! f5 }
1 |% \" p+ w4 t+ S/ c1 i
9 c: U& ]. F$ i$ L在英超赛季开始前,佩莱格里尼对于他拥有联赛最强阵容这一点没有意见,每个位置都有2名球员可供调遣。然而,到现在,当我们回头再看时,这位教练似乎对边缘球员没有那么信任,比如哈维-加西亚、米尔纳、莱斯科特和理查兹。在曼城四条战线犹存时,关键球星承担了太多比赛任务,因此当争冠进入关键时刻时,亚亚-图雷、大卫-席尔瓦和孔帕尼都纷纷遭遇伤病打击并非巧合。佩莱格里尼必须学会信任他的球员,或者将这些球员换成他认为可以依赖的球员。
1 p% ~  S' ~, v! O$ Y
* B3 E% I5 o' c! M9 v  B0 \) H(译者补充:截止对桑德兰的比赛,曼城在英超中只使用过23名球员,是所有球队中最少的。)
# ~7 ^' s6 p! ^8 ~" F0 g$ C6 l& O. S% I( A& V9 J
" c1 s$ e; D( b9 M  s- D" }
发表于 2014-4-18 19:01 | 只看该作者

3 F1 n5 ?4 p! L' i纳斯塔西奇受伤,某思乡出走; C* L# u& T2 ^4 C1 g) h
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发表于 2014-4-18 19:01 | 只看该作者
+ J, L7 T, n- d% k4 |# [5 I整支球队还不成熟 % Y9 J) U& `+ V+ I4 f
上半程的客场战绩惨不忍睹 " K0 N* D6 X) y. ]: d: E
  H* y4 ]# W" D; L; b
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累计签到:1137 天
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-18 19:00 | 只看该作者
9 J; @" a, }4 A3 r' p. V" H/ j3 W
& s% {  E7 Y/ d: I( c. p* J, Y) Z2 i  O% i0 f2 W
+ g+ {  @3 }) q- |0 D3 b) O
' t- a- g/ e9 W8 t这篇文章里也说了,输球全都是1球输掉,所以,我相信,下赛季细节抓得好,球队应该会有更好的表现。( \9 _+ v9 y7 n) ~( q% D
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累计签到:1137 天
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-18 19:00 | 只看该作者
[size=1.2em]Manchester City's Premier League title hopes have faded dramatically following Wednesday’s 2-2 draw at home to bottom-of-the-table Sunderland, a result described by midfielder Fernandinho as 'a complete disaster'.
[size=1.2em]A team that not so long ago were chasing an unprecedented quadruple now look like finishing Manuel Pellegrini’s first season in charge with just the Capital One Cup to show for their efforts.
[size=1.2em]Sportsmail assesses where it has gone wrong for City, and what Pellegrini must put right in the summer.
2 P6 }! {9 }' \0 g  K6 D: _* }9 ]
Falling short: Manchester City's title hopes have taken a tumble following a difficult week on the pitch
; ]; W$ i' A9 g# ?* U# s  c

, T3 R; m9 j# v  J9 d
Living on a prayer: Manuel Pellegrini needs a minor miracle to overtake Liverpool and Chelsea now
& E  p" Z. `7 J8 z5 b/ r; N# `2 n

6 n0 o* J* Y  e3 \* y; K
( e5 ^/ S; ], {$ z9 P! z
" W$ f+ Y7 T$ }1 `" Z+ x0 l
[size=1.2em]TWO'S KOMPANY  
[size=1.2em]The failure to sign a world-class central defensive partner for captain Vincent Kompany has dogged Pellegrini from the start.
[size=1.2em]Having spent more than £100million in other positions and then failed to prise Pepe from his old club Real Madrid, the City boss settled on Martin Demichelis, a cut-price alternative at £4m.
: N  H/ V" x5 |- }+ Z
Inspiration and exasperation: Vincent Kompany (left) is world class but Martin Demichelis (right) is a liability

# ~! x1 m, D1 f, N5 Z5 a+ V) A8 F
[size=1.2em]The criticism levelled at the Argentine has not always been entirely fair, but he has emerged as the weak link in the team, despite the almost blind faith shown in him by the manager.
[size=1.2em]City are already making plans to address the issue with talks over a £35m deal for FC Porto’s Eliaquim Mangala well advanced.
[size=1.2em]FLAIR PLAY  
[size=1.2em]Pellegrini insists that he will not curb his attacking instincts but he might have to think again if he wants to get City over the line next season.
[size=1.2em]You cannot fault his team's attacking flair this season in terms of entertainment; they have put six past Arsenal, seven past Norwich, 11 past Tottenham over two games and demolished Manchester United twice in the derby.
$ n* C/ L- ^1 \; a/ ~! V
Blow: City were outfoxed by Chelsea at the Etihad in February, when Branislav Ivanovic scored the winner

* i* e1 X5 Y& s! M8 [- D& n* w
[size=1.2em]However, all six Premier League defeats this season have been by one goal. Against Chelsea at the Etihad in February, Jose Mourinho outfoxed Pellegrini with a counter-attacking masterclass while, at Anfield on Sunday, City’s refusal to sit on a 2-2 draw that would have suited them far more than Liverpool cost them dear.
[size=1.2em]A little less cavalier, a little more caution might go a long way next time.
[size=1.2em]ANCHORMAN II  
[size=1.2em]No-one can question that the £30million deal for Fernandinho last summer was money well spent. The Brazilian has been a key figure for City this season, anchoring the midfield and allowing Yaya Toure the freedom to shine.
[size=1.2em]But City need another defensive midfielder, either to fill in for one of those two or to give Pellegrini the option of pushing Toure into a more advanced position where he can do more damage. Javi Garcia has shown a slight improvement but Jack Rodwell has never settled since moving from Everton, and both players could be offloaded in the summer.
[size=1.2em]City pursued Fernando from FC Porto in January and it would be a surprise if they did not try to resurrect that deal.

1 s+ e. S. [) ]  r3 I
Set him free: Yaya Toure has been City's driving force... but only when he is allowed to roam the pitch free
7 {. p7 K9 {3 G; z2 h, s& e: f
[size=1.2em]It’s a sign of how much City’s breathtaking goal output has dropped off since the end of January that Sergio Aguero was still the team’s top scorer when he returned to the starting line-up against Sunderland despite a third lengthy layoff of the season.
[size=1.2em]Keeping Aguero free of soft tissue injuries will obviously benefit the team in future, but they may also need to look at bringing in a world-class striker to help him.
+ J0 L$ N/ u# k( N
Fragile: Sergio Aguero is City's star striker but the Argentine has spent three long spells on the sidelines
6 b# x: |+ |# ~1 Q, A" u9 y% I
[size=1.2em]The Beast, Alvaro Negredo, seems to have lost his bite after a ferocious start, Edin Dzeko continues to divide opinion and may well be sold in the summer despite talk of a new contract, and a succession of injuries have prevented Stevan Jovetic from living up to expectations since his arrival from Fiorentina.  
[size=1.2em]Edinson Cavani, Radamel Falcao and Diego Costa could all be on the market this summer, and it will be interesting to see if City are among the bidders despite the constraints of Financial Fair Play.  
[size=1.2em]MATTER OF TRUST  
[size=1.2em]Pellegrini acknowledged at the start of the season that he had the strongest squad in the Premier League; he has two top players in each position. And yet, when it has come down it, the manager appears to have had a problem trusting fringe players like Javi Garcia, James Milner, Joleon Lescott and Micah Richards.
9 Z; E& D! l9 F, j8 E1 l* w( B
On the fringes: James Milner has not been trusted by Pellegrini, despite several crucial contributions this term

6 L& }8 Y- p) N
[size=1.2em]With City chasing trophies on four fronts for much of the season, it has piled the workload onto his key men, and it is perhaps no coincidence that Yaya Toure, David Silva and Vincent Kompany are among those struggling with injuries as the title race hits the home straight.
[size=1.2em]Pellegrini must either learn to trust his squad players or replace them with some he can.

$ y- y" i1 p$ K% }( r2 j8 n* D9 E
2 y4 y+ [& S4 [6 y8 y; K
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