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【每日邮报】 纳斯里再次调戏娜娜

累计签到:29 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2012-6-12 10:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
) {0 v- @" k3 h- l6 k. c
Samir Nasri has again blasted former club Arsenal saying he's glad he no longer has to dream about winning titles after realising his ambitions with Barclays Premier League Champions Manchester City.* Z" A0 @4 z0 l& p% F3 z

  N0 X/ H6 H9 z
7 E! ?! L; `' W纳斯里再次炮轰老东家阿森纳,说他很高兴加盟曼城之后不用再对冠军画饼充饥了。
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Nasri infuriated Gunners after switching to City last summer and hit back at critics, saying: 'Celebrate your third-place achievement and I will focus on winning titles.'
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$ B  g  _: W- C. b4 Y: E% N& y1 |9 e7 y- p* E2 F
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7 d+ [! Y/ I3 t; o* [9 PThe France international has now stuck the boot in again, saying he no longer dreams about winning titles and has also declared he is raring to sink Roy Hodgson's England side in their Group D Euro opener on Monday evening. $ K! w5 b$ N, f6 V7 `4 G' I+ e' [) P% F7 x

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4 m$ g- K' i6 p) U6 u0 ~# |' v: o法国国脚现在又一次开火了,说他不用再对冠军做白日梦了。并且表示法国队周一晚上一定能干掉霍奇森的英格兰。4 |% N0 T8 v/ I; S: t# E

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  Y. B: T/ e! j* h: |" yNasri said: 'I'm glad I left because City are far more competitive and are winning titles, not dreaming about it.
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: b% z3 q# q" @$ q0 f! S; q
2 U7 |" o% ^2 i! b4 ?6 r纳斯里说:“我很高兴离开,因为曼城更具竞争力。可以赢得冠军。以前我只能做白日梦。- P8 {) U3 @, i2 G7 V
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'I have said 300 times I did not leave Arsenal for money, only for sporting aspirations and if people don't believe me that's their problem.'
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; B- \) C  A$ r# y) K' |+ ?
% w5 k& d, o& t- w4 M, V“我说过不知道多少次了,我离开阿森纳不为钱。只是因为想在竞技层面上更上一层楼,如果人们不相信的话我也管不着。”
累计签到:34 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2012-6-12 15:32 | 只看该作者


发表于 2012-6-12 17:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-12 23:07 | 只看该作者
哎 就算你赢了 又何必非要得罪人 要知道当年的阿德巴约因为庆祝动作道歉后 从此闭口不再提阿森纳 现在的你比当年的阿德巴约让枪迷更厌恶
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