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发表于 2012-2-8 01:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
One cost £35 million and the other £50 million. Neither have justified the price tag. Neither have helped their team – Liverpool and Chelsea, respectively – decisively enough to ensure a top four finish, let alone win the league.
9 l  p: Z3 c* C' G; ~% X+ g前者身价35M,后者达到50M。他们都没有证明自己负荷自己的身价。他们也都没有帮助自己的球队确保前四名额,无论是你村还是破车,更不用说联赛冠军这个天方夜谭般的诺亚方舟。" k% Q* V8 N- \% U8 R4 a" P6 |

5 p8 V/ D* i6 z8 B" ^( c
0 H" e5 b2 B7 g' x0 Z2 y0 q; TAs the Barclays English Premier League heads into its final stretch – one thing is for sure, Andy Carroll and Fernando Torres are the only two competing for costliest flop of the season.' i9 l2 E' o. O% t) d
随着英超进入收官阶段,有一点可以确定的是,C9和托妞这两个球员将携手竞争“英超最贬值奖”,望尘莫及,望洋兴叹。7 \6 |  u1 t7 E4 q3 M. `. U

$ b: v  H- T' ~4 h3 |Torres right now leads, but only just.
0 C3 x" r7 k8 L+ E5 O4 r托妞在这场竞争中领跑,但也只是刚刚领先。2 \! f* U/ ], F, x  s
0 n* a, W/ }  Z" Q/ K' x! Q
* w8 F1 v& X4 @) N" g4 F7 o
8 @9 m6 t. H' i) u7 B+ W: B
Liverpool have the lowest conversion rate per chances created in the Premier League this season.: m: l; w; T4 Y6 w' ?
众所周知,在比比谁的射门进球率最低的比赛中,你村藐视群雄。, c* F& ?) V# m3 C
4 C" B7 P4 [, w& ~/ Y5 i" [; g' _7 M
Most people blame Andy Carroll for that statistic, but the giant pony-tailed hitman seems to have turned a corner.
0 p) I/ V& }7 F8 A很多人都把这个矛头直指C9,但似乎这个大个子马尾辫(这里特别强调pony-tailed,译者以为估计是文章作者对C9发型的讽刺,译者注)挫男开始龙年转运了。' B* O/ S* ^' {  H- Q

4 W4 A3 ~( P) \8 z5 |' w0 J! iHis performance against Manchester United in the FA Cup won over the Kop and on Monday night against Tottenham Hotspur he proved a handful for central defenders Michael Dawson and Ledley King.9 f7 {8 x1 D+ o! S& o5 d2 A
% L6 V/ B# e2 B' Z: Z; V4 R6 X, Z, r2 v- N4 x
Yet, if truth be told, he missed a relatively good chance, sending the ball over.
" V: h) S9 P; T, v/ `- d当然,残酷的现实是,他还是错过了一个绝杀良机,打飞机了。" E% J# K# H7 c/ T4 j; L- ^
  d- n  L- {% z2 p' ?2 h& T2 {
Carroll’s performance was also overshadowed by the return of Luis Suarez and the controversy he brings with him whenever he plays.1 l# P4 p) i& c8 |' S
C9的表现也被苏丫的回归以及颇具争议的“谭望嵩之踹”所掩盖了。% v" N8 o4 g! p0 R7 Q0 f

3 ]+ q. i1 C/ y( g% |Torres makes Carroll look good at times.$ B+ P; F" Q# v: s
所谓不怕不识货就怕货比货,托妞有时让C9来起来是那么的出色。% a' z8 ?" F6 Z- |8 J8 l

; T' J- \# Q2 T( R1 }8 t' ]( {' r& y0 h. f

% R0 u9 O# m7 tAnother stuttering performance at Stamford Bridge against defending champions United left analysts, commentators and fans bereft of any more patience.9 g( ~1 x. c2 ?/ L6 n
又一次在斯坦福桥的糟糕表现让砖家、评审、粉丝(选秀啊 = =,译者吐槽)全都失去了耐心。
5 V" R; _: v% T/ z: d: a; O
( `: s6 K- ^8 g9 @  yTorres missed a golden opportunity to put the game beyond United with the score at 3-1 in favour of Chelsea./ K. y# K& T+ R" L' t
, k$ a$ D" ~/ t  R% w
, S' D) C( o6 A" q5 Q; BWhen we say ‘missed’, we mean he did not even take the shot despite being seven yards out with only the goalkeeper to beat.
9 U- [/ d" g% a; ~. _5 i3 E当我们说‘missed’,我们是指,世上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,而是离仅有的守门员仅仅只有7码的距离,但觉没有办法完成射门。) K, w" H+ x9 O. T$ A

- }" x* ~. o8 w, dFootball pundits had their knives out the next day and pronounced Nando finished, for all practical purposes." L7 C+ _: V8 _6 |0 x( j# {0 f$ R  B
接下来,就是喜闻乐见的足球砖家马后炮时间。3 k+ ^  k" I' a
. r: g& I+ j, I2 X2 {7 c; I, D
This despite Torres, like Carroll against United, setting up Juan Mata for a goal with a perfect cross.
( Y/ u2 x6 l" }! N( V$ \3 s7 w尽管托妞还是给玛塔助攻了完美传中,就像C9打狗时候做的一样。4 y! k' x' D& g, g  R. `0 s  p

$ z" f! r/ G0 i- C/ pWhat will finally count for Carroll and Torres is the goals they score. And neither is scoring any right now.5 U* S# T" _4 Q0 W: r
最后真正能被别人记住的还是他们的进球数,现在,他们谁都无法完成得分。7 Y% p, s: I! G- ~: ^5 L' w7 e: }
, n7 ^9 e+ i4 t9 r8 A" _
Until they do – they will compete for the costliest flops of the season. Fans at Anfield and the Bridge will only worry how costly they will be in terms of the title race and the race to finish in the Top 4.  J% v: w0 z- r( T( b5 }8 |: ]0 ?  X
; t  B( j& J" E0 w# q" ~2 l8 |. n0 }& l9 z: q9 m" K
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发表于 2012-2-8 12:35 | 只看该作者
C9,托妞,你村,破车4 {( p! \# q( g3 e
* H% Z- p1 O2 B! u; ^6 C# k
累计签到:2119 天
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发表于 2012-2-8 15:16 | 只看该作者


发表于 2012-2-8 16:15 | 只看该作者
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