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[球员档案] 赫苏斯-纳瓦斯

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发表于 2013-7-9 12:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
7 w( V  z& u$ i: u* _& T! L1 R

4 R) F) v# ?# B& x4 S, ~档案
/ y1 Q) L2 n4 ^+ C0 N
" E3 L- ]+ q  u! }3 h$ }- c
' _6 G; s. j& m! t* _
7 Q3 c( @: S) T1 u( q% e# ]  J, _  ~4 M% e$ W! V0 U  g

, |3 E5 {, t: x7 o7 H据悉,想把纳瓦斯从皮斯胡安球场带走,起价至少需要1800万英镑,潜在的价格可能达到2130万镑。尽管价格可以预测,但是谁也无法预知这个土生土长的塞维利亚球员能否适应即将在曼城开始的新生活。
( K( U& [3 q+ R/ J3 I+ W- Z4 m$ f7 C1 F  L  o9 S, N

9 d* \3 y! v6 n2 \8 n纳瓦斯毋庸置疑的个人能力可以保证他能够在英超和曼城俱乐找到自己的立足之地,这名右边锋自从在2003年11月完成了自己的一线队处子秀以后,就一直是西班牙乃至全欧后卫球员们的梦魇。7 v- ]5 }1 G6 O" E
* e4 k3 g- G5 V  M+ [: T
9 \4 ]- [' V+ d' E+ O& G( h
赛季 出场数 进球数 助攻数
2003-04 2 0 0
2004-05 18 2 1
2005-06 46 2 3
2006-07 39 1 2
2007-08 53 5 12
2008-09 48 5 15
2009-10 49 8 18
2010-11 28 2 7
2011-12 43 5 14
2012-13 44 1 9
总计 368 31 81
2 Q7 s$ W. D$ I6 ?4 N" F- ^

- C6 H1 T; A8 `" \: [1 q' Q& b$ j
! e! l' B- v7 N8 }
累计签到:1137 天
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-9 12:22 | 只看该作者
每当这位世界冠军队成员拿到球时,他只有一个想法——过掉左后卫然后传中,也许这听起来让人觉得理所应当,甚至毫无新意,但是在很多情况下这样做的效果却很好。在本赛季纳瓦斯一共送出了51脚准确的传中,这个数字超过了西甲联赛中其他所有的球员。0 w; H# I  T; f' ?. G
/ q" u4 Z1 z" p) I

9 S6 v' y1 E5 p6 Z1 c( S6 U& m/ }- j作为举世瞩目的塞维利亚青训体系的又一个代表作,纳瓦斯很少用多余的花哨晃动和盘带来戏弄对方后卫。他在很年轻的时候,就在球场上表现出了一份与自己年龄不相称的成熟,他只做必要的动作,他善于用细腻的控球和可怕的速度来击败防守队员,这名西班牙人的风格和同为右边锋的曼联球员安东尼奥-瓦伦西亚有一些类似。
, |7 y9 o+ U9 d& E) T- I; l2 l  `- z4 k; R9 P+ @+ ^( H' h! i

: o0 Y5 Z# `7 R/ A$ N在下个赛季曼城球迷们会高兴的看到,由纳瓦斯和巴勃罗-萨巴莱塔组成的右路给对手防线造成的毁灭性打击,当纳瓦斯和一名能力相当的边后卫搭档时他总能将自己最好的水平发挥出来,而萨巴莱塔正是这个位置理想中的最佳人选,阿根廷人如今已经成为了世界足坛最炽手可热的右路铁闸之一。9 N% R/ \; u/ f: A4 `

/ n" I9 ~$ M5 \! }/ R7 r

! J. p% h, N9 y! M曾几何时,纳瓦斯和他的前队友丹尼-阿尔维斯一起打造过全欧最让人赏心悦目的右路组合,他们在比赛中总能轻松的冲垮对手的防线,同时也能随时回防,为自己插上的搭档提供足够的保护,他们之间默契的配合给很多球迷都留下了深刻的印象。
8 }4 }* B' @* }3 z/ O! G1 J1 ^0 ~. j

2 p2 D5 K" x9 ?8 X& g虽然纳瓦斯的竞技水平让人无可挑剔,但是有一个问题始终困扰着他——思乡病。在2006年,正是由于思乡病的痼疾和严重焦虑症导致他没能加盟蓝军切尔西,从那时起他的国际足球生涯就陷入了停滞状态。
3 P$ s" N  M3 y2 w3 y1 i0 G" f  ], m3 {, g
* p3 j- q6 Y% T( l1 E7 e2 g1 B5 u
5 p3 f6 |4 T$ i  O" d
6 B8 U' ~9 H" \7 [3 X

0 G/ z9 J2 }) R% t& s- D尽管从2009以来纳瓦斯很好的克服了自己的“思乡病”,但是顶级运动心理学家和作家丹尼尔-亚伯拉罕认为西班牙边锋过去的心理问题可能会给曼城带来一些风险。$ g' b. z' r6 @7 p; D* J4 r1 W

7 U/ K) y1 O8 u- b! O1 _2 G/ C

8 N+ X' _2 x& x( p" Z他对GOAL说:“我相信纳瓦斯在曼城会有良好的表现,但是他身上存在的问题的确有可能成为球队的不稳定因素。一些特定情况的出现会让他旧病复发,比如不佳的场上表现或者糟糕的人际关系等等。如果他没能很快的适应新的联赛和俱乐部,他就需要很强心理承受能力来帮助自己克服逆境。当教练因为他的状态问题将他换下场或者让他坐上替补席时,就可能会让他陷入焦虑、低迷甚至精神崩溃。”
: C$ ~8 ^9 x3 s" C8 p* f- F6 `9 ]( Q0 _; C

% m. B5 \* [3 b, R; @  r纳瓦斯是否能够在曼城发挥出自己的真实水平,在很大程度上取决于他能否战胜自己的心魔。如果他成功了,他将会变得更成熟更完美,虽然在目前他还有很多方面需要继续提高。
$ K2 o# P) P7 k4 g0 p" Y2 U9 @* p. l' R. G/ Y+ ]: j

2 d. |* R' n5 N! D8 w& P每个俱乐部都希望自己的边锋和攻击型中场能源源不断地为球队贡献进球,但是纳瓦斯在这方面可能不会给曼城带来太多的回报,他的得分能力十分有限。  A- [: f3 P4 k
# K0 U: U* [9 Q. K9 H. ]

; y8 f& h% Q% K这名西班牙边锋打进的基本上都是一些带有运气成分的杂耍式进球,他并不是球队的一个稳定得分点,在过去的一个赛季中纳瓦斯共参加了45场比赛,他只在国王杯对阵最终冠军马德里竞技时打入过一粒进球。) u$ E! D" p6 O, `' c
# Z* p" h8 X! }" B7 c# c% N# K
  S+ S+ x7 n% M3 P8 P
7 N+ a. y: i3 r% i1 L& \7 ?& k- c3 b+ G9 Y+ Z% g

) ?: G, \3 b6 D2 D4 V, Y& [如果仅仅从球员个人能力的角度来讲,纳瓦斯绝对可以在曼城一炮走红并且取得全面的成功,但是谁都很难忽视一名球员在心理层面的问题,特别是这个问题曾经在职业生涯的早期给他带来过巨大的冲击。
$ M' _" I. ?- T/ P# q0 y3 ]7 y
9 a, R. O" q, t! ~, l
5 L( d) {; B# x
# \8 ]' ^- }# J0 V# E
0 ^" P* u1 U  A  L" j8 R

4 ^7 G% C- Y) h8 ?像纳瓦斯这样的一位天才,如果仅仅只是因为喜欢穿奇装异服和恋家而被别人铭记的话,那就是足球世界里又一个彻头彻尾的悲剧了。
. z0 _4 o1 w& {# h* C' V$ H7 x: z1 ~

5 K% S: h+ K. G/ {* I- J% v$ W
, y9 N% x7 ^- _7 N/ P

  N8 `$ |) x: W3 \' i, f
. W1 u6 {/ o# q$ R3 U" `
注释:) i: I* R* O) h
5 _3 v4 O) k* k+ `1 z% e

4 t) p& ~$ Y- s: b; xopen play (运动战)5 Q7 i! O7 n$ w- K6 f! U

6 S$ x. \( L+ D6 ^# U% m" ?
; J6 |! S* }2 G, Y
Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan(拉蒙·桑切斯·皮斯胡安球场:塞维利亚主场)& @5 Q" v- @2 |, J( I# V8 W  I

) F1 K, ]! H+ I6 Z

+ A) T! E2 I8 V$ @" L) A5 flink-up play (配合)
: ]9 i  [. l  X* E
% g7 P; l. N4 x" W' k: H5 ~8 L0 Z9 |) o. I& s) g  _4 K
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累计签到:1137 天
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-9 12:23 | 只看该作者
! W# l( I/ y, d2 ^
) \' j2 D( P  B. P: x8 o4 Y; L
5 Jun 2013 07:30:007 Q$ A; U* G# j' S' q2 _# y
The 27-year-old winger created more chances from open play than any other La Liga player last season, but how he will adjust to life away from Sevilla remains to be seen
& x/ v3 q: q% D8 R# m0 ]* zPROFILE
) r2 R# P9 V' _& L% ]) e+ @By Ryan Benson4 f. \$ j( \3 S

$ s$ Z, F' c) cLate on Monday June 3, there would have been a collective sigh of relief from every left-back in La Liga as Sevilla confirmed prized asset and fan favourite Jesus Navas had agreed to join Manchester City.
& O. w9 V+ K7 j( m2 VThe deal which sees Navas leave the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan is believed to be worth an initial £18 million before potentially rising to £21.3m, but how this Sevilla local boy will adapt to life at City is exceptionally difficult to foresee. 3 l4 |3 P# K& d

( [0 \, s2 X# m3 `& `1 nIt should be made abundantly clear that there is no question that the 27-year-old is good enough for the Premier League and Manchester City. The right-winger has tormented defences in Spain and Europe for almost a decade after making his debut in November 2003.
( q  c9 n0 a0 v! d8 ~' R/ |JESUS NAVAS' SEVILLA STATS
3 b" R# N: O' Z+ h: G+ N. g& x. w
  d5 G6 y9 l2 \SEASON        APPS        GLS        ASS
5 l! W2 P$ h1 W: C( X2003-04        2        0        04 j* ^9 l  B8 \/ q9 _9 X6 f
2004-05        18        2        1! ~* m" v2 D0 o
2005-06        46        2        3
* `* w; Z9 T+ u2006-07        39        1        2
2 S5 b* u' J, ]4 g, c% t3 D' e2007-08        53        5        12
' @8 P' A; m9 s0 E" i% f2008-09        48        5        15
/ ?1 G/ |: r9 D7 ~5 z2009-10        49        8        18; p" R3 y; [- Z$ w: \* v
2010-11        28        2        7
8 m2 r/ k+ Y5 w* \' Z! s2011-12        43        5        142 q. O6 }; r8 X' @; t
2012-13        44        1        92 d/ b9 u! o. |' y% m$ s" l
Total        368        31        81 Every time the World Cup winner gets the ball he has one objective; beat the left-back and cross. It may sound predictable and straightforward, even old-fashioned, but it is highly-effective, as highlighted by the fact that he has delivered 51 accurate crosses in La Liga this season, more than any other player.
! \& l. ]3 c5 v: Y0 f$ w9 p1 lA product of Sevilla's revered academy, Navas will not arrive and try to dazzle opponents with a plethora of fancy flicks and tricks. Even as a teenager he was very mature on the field and stuck only to what was necessary, with his close ball control and startling pace more than enough to see him past opponents, a bit like Antonio Valencia, in that respect.
- t$ a0 |7 G4 n) {$ X0 k2 a+ f" t
/ T- U3 \" X5 F3 LCity fans should be particularly excited about the havoc Navas could inflict alongside Pablo Zabaleta. The Spaniard has always been at his best when playing just ahead of a competent full-back, and few right-backs in the world, let alone the Premier League, are better than the Argentine.
/ _; J7 ~1 U; V9 g' ?3 T; x! b
; \0 _7 u/ R, y, ?  lNavas and Dani Alves formed arguably the most entertaining right-sided partnership in Europe for several years and their link-up play was spellbinding to say the least. They sliced defences open for fun, while the winger was always willing and able to track back to act as cover.. q, V1 m6 Q  U9 J
  @/ d, ~$ D/ V$ \. L, G
However, for all of his undoubted ability, there is one thing hanging over his head; a past of psychological issues triggered by leaving his home town. In 2006 a proposed move to Chelsea fell through due to his chronic homesickness and severe anxiety attacks. He was also forced to put his international career on hold.
1 N) `3 P1 M( J
( t) W) A; j: v# I( C* v3 hLittle by little Navas began dealing with, and managing, his problem. Eventually he was deemed well enough to travel with Spain and he was a part of the squads that won the 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012.
% O# [: r, u3 @" p( a: D6 w8 j% c: M) n8 V
Regardless of his progression since 2009, leading sports psychologist and author Daniel Abrahams still thinks the player's past means he does represent a risk to City.
% \- b" I4 P2 T  B- S
# U. _0 R& W0 z8 v+ G( hHe told Goal: "I have no doubts that he will do well. But it is a risk if someone has had these problems. It is a risk for Manchester City.
  R9 u: ^. l5 N/ O' W: L: X$ o6 `( Y# B- L( ], K" u5 p
"Common triggers [for psychological issues] for footballers are poor performances or team-mates he doesn't get on with. If he starts off poorly, he will have to show a lot of mental strength.
8 W. A5 ]8 [, j; x+ L- I9 L
! {0 s5 W% ]% |, |  P"If he doesn't perform well they could replace him or he'll stay on the bench. Any of that kind of stress can trigger anxiety, mild depression or even severe depression."
# {2 B8 h  e% G
' H/ [2 Z* y( q9 P6 B# \Whether Navas fulfils his potential at City will hinge almost entirely on if he can prevent the demons of his past from resurfacing. If he succeeds in that, his strengths should trump his weaknesses, but he still has room for improvement.+ U: h: [) Y# u; z

/ Q  P7 e" z* k3 e: j' I) W1 {8 BWingers and attacking midfielders should be chipping in with goals of their own. It is an expectation which speaks for itself, but City will be hard-pressed getting a significant return from Navas. Quite simply, he is an awful finisher.
2 [5 \! Y$ U8 r$ `7 v2 ]# n6 ~3 g3 b0 h% D) e& y
The goals he does score are generally of the speculative and eye-opening variety, but they are far from common and this season he managed just one goal in 45 matches, with that solitary strike coming in the Copa del Rey against eventual winners Atletico Madrid.
& }5 A/ k1 y7 \  s  E9 S
. X) i2 |. H+ y7 IPhysically, the rapid wideman is very slight and easily pushed off the ball, but more and more players of that ilk are impressing in the Premier League, with David Silva, Juan Mata and Eden Hazard, for example, hardly imposing specimens.
& c( _0 b: k5 }2 y( V, U) I% P$ C+ ?( f$ k1 C  v+ Z
If one was to just look at his quality as a footballer, there is nothing to suggest that Navas will be anything other than an instant hit and a complete success at City, but it is impossible to ignore the psychological issues which had such a big impact earlier in his career.1 A; Q1 q: [' G( A" `- d0 P! l

+ r5 \* [: W8 sHe will have plenty of support in terms of fellow Spaniards and ex-La Liga stars, but living away from Sevilla will be a big deal for him.
1 f5 F/ s) @4 }: u$ h( C
2 G' z6 T( N2 \4 S" pIt would be a travesty if a player as talented as Navas was only remembered for wearing amusingly baggy jerseys and missing his mother's cooking.
. S2 X( i" x' N
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